Manuscript guidelines


Manuscript guidelines

The journal “Bulletin of Kuzbass Orthodox Theological Seminary” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal (printed periodical) publishing articles on theology. The journal is published four times a year.

Theoretical and practical scientific articles are accepted for publication. The article must be an independent study on a narrow topic and meet the criteria of scientificity, relevance and novelty. The article must be written in literary language and meet the level of general academic requirements (it must be reasoned, structured, logical), contain an introduction with a statement of the problem, main theses and a conclusion with clearly formulated conclusions. Reports and other speeches that do not have the form of a scientific article with the appropriate scientific apparatus are not accepted for publication.

Articles that have not previously been published and are not under consideration by the editorial boards of other editions are accepted for publication. Articles that are not accepted for publication by other scientific journals are accepted for consideration. In this case, the author must inform the editors of all sendings this article to other scientific journals.

Publications in the journal are free, no royalties are paid to the authors.

Article length

– 0.5–1 a. s. (for qualified specialists);

– 0.4–0.5 a. s. (for undergraduates and graduate students);

Author’s sheet (a. s.) – 40,000 characters with spaces (Word), including bibliography. In exceptional cases, the length of the article may be increased.

Originality and plagiarism:

The percentage of originality of the article must not be lower than 75% according to the Anti-Plagiarism system. If the editors, based on the results of checking the article with the Anti-Plagiarism system, identify an insufficient level of originality, attempts made by the author to bypass the check, and other controversial issues, the author is obliged to provide the editors with a detailed explanatory note. If the author refuses to provide an explanatory note, the article is automatically removed from publication. After submitting an explanatory note, the decision to publish the article is made by the editors, taking into account the results of the review.

Article review

The article is sent by the editors for review; after reviewing, the author receives a notification about the acceptance of the article for publication, or about the need to correct the article, or about the rejection of the article; an article accepted for publication is sent for proofreading.

The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes to articles without changing their content.

By sending a manuscript of an article to the journal for publication, the author grants the right to use the articles in the journal, including the right to subsequently post the article on the journal’s official website on the Internet.

Article submission

The article is submitted to the email in Word format (extension .docx), formatted in accordance with the rules below.

Article formatting

The text of the article is typed in 14-point font, Times New Roman font, with single line spacing. Document formatting: A4 sheet, portrait orientation, 2 cm margins on all sides, alignment (except headings) in width. There must be no spaces before and after the paragraph (0 pt). No automatic transfers.

To format quotations, punctuation of the article language is used. Formatting a dash: – (the en dash), separated on both sides by spaces. Ranges of numbers, including dates, are formatted using dashes without spaces (for example: 1941–1945). In compound words, spaces next to the hyphen are not allowed (for example: Leninsk-Kuznetsky, editor-in-chief, middle-aged). Pages are not numbered and no headers and footers are used. All abbreviations must be spelled out the first time they are used. The use of word hyphens, either manually placed or automatic hyphens placed by a typing program, is unacceptable.

Placement of illustrations and photographs is not allowed.

Article structure

1) UDC code (

2) Ecclesiastical title (if there are any), first name, patronymic and last name of the author; for monastics: ecclesiastical title (if there are any), monastic name, then in brackets – the secular name, patronymic and last name of the author in full.

3) Academic title, scientific degrees, job title, place of work, email address of the author.

If there are several authors, then the information in paras. 2) and 3) are indicated for each author. The priority is established depending on the contribution made by each author to the scientific research.

4) Title of the article – typed in lowercase letters, following the rules for writing capital letters.

5) An abstract with a total volume of no less than 200 and no more than 250 words, which sets out the goals, methods and results of the work, indicating the novelty, relevance and conclusions of the research; an abstract must not be a fragment of the article.

6) Keywords: 6–10 words.

7) Citation information, including DOI, except for page numbers.

8) The following is a translation into English of all the information in the article from paras. 2) to 6). It is also necessary to translate the list of sources and literature into English.

9) Text of the article.

After the information about the article the text of the article itself comes.

When writing, it is recommended to break the text into subchapters, or assume the following internal structure of the text:

– introduction;

– methodology;

– results;

– discussion;

– conclusion (it is necessary to formulate the main results and suggest possible prospects for further research on the topic).

The text of the article must be carefully proofread. All duplicate spaces and extra line breaks must be removed from the text. The author is responsible for the scientific and theoretical level of the published material, transfers the rights to the publication and guarantees that the article is original and has not been published in whole or in part in other editions.

Explanatory comments to the text are placed in footnotes.

10) Sources and literature.

At the end of each article, it is necessary to place a list of all literature and sources used or cited in the research and provide their full description. The list of references is located after the text of the article, numbered (starting from the first item) in alphabetical order, and preceded by the words “Sources and literature”.

The reference lists include only sources used in preparing the article. All sources in the list must be cited in the text. The recommended number of titles in the reference list: from 10 to 25, and at least 30 % of them must reflect the state of study of the issue under study in modern domestic and foreign science. References to scientific works must be justified. Links to Internet resources must be justified and used only if it is impossible to refer to the printed text.

Links to sources of quotes and other information are presented in the text in square brackets. For example, [1, p. 34].

After the list of literature and sources used or cited in the research, its translation into English is given

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